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Michele Carter

Target II: Women's Health and Wellness Chairman


Q: What is your most memorable moment while being a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha?

A: The weekend of my initiation was a very memorable time as I was so happy, proud and excited to wear the pearls of my college peers whom I admired so much. However, the most memorable period was 1990, which was the year I served as activity chairman for Miss Calendar Girl. I have always treasured mentoring young girls. Our young people are our greatest resource. Having the opportunity to serve AKA by being entrusted with the responsibility of helping these young ladies to grow was an honor.

Q: Healthcare can be seen as your profession and your passion. You dedicate your time while at work and within Iota Pi Omega towards it. However, besides healthcare, what are other passions of yours that help you release and unwind?

A: My favorite hobby is gardening. I spend most of my downtime in my garden designing flowerbeds and potting arrangements, planting, pruning, weeding and playing in the mud. I also love reading, listening to podcasts and riding my bike.



Q: What advice would you give younger women as they balance busy work lives while trying to juggle all other commitments and their passions?


A: I have learned to order my day with prayer, exercise, eating and then everything else. Self-care is so important in maintaining your physical, emotional and psychological health. Be good to yourself, use good time management, prioritize and don’t forget to ask for help. If it doesn’t get done, don’t stress about it. There’s always tomorrow. If tomorrow never comes, it doesn’t matter anyway.



Q: What is a quote that you live by?


A: One of my favorite quotes is “have a fair heart” which I read many, many years ago in a book by fiction author Sandra Kitt. I try my best to look at everything with fairness and impartiality. By doing so I try to look at both sides of the situation regardless of who is on what side. I tried to teach my kids that right is right and wrong is wrong, and I have tried to live by that principle.

"We were created for such a time as this. We are embracing and implementing the vision for "Exemplifying Excellence Through Sustainable Service" – the call to action from our International President Glenda Glover. My motto of “Pearls that S.O.A.R.” are pearls soaring to uncharted heights."  


                                             -Jorosylan Williams, President, Iota Pi Omega Chapter

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